© 2018 - 2025   617 Sqn-namf
On 18 May 2018, a memorial plaque was unveiled for the crew of Avro Lancaster AJ-A 617 Squadron at Castricum aan Zee.
On 23 June 2022, a memorial plaque was unveiled for the crew of Avro Lancaster AJ-K 617 Squadron in Harlingen General Cemetery.
Crew members of 617 Squadron who died in the Second World War are buried in 40 cemeteries. The 34 missing are commemorated in England on the Runnymede Air Forces Memorial.
The 617 Squadron Netherlands Aircrew Memorial Foundation
The objective of -The 617 Squadron Netherlands Aircrew Memorial Foundation- (617 Sqn-NAMF) is to commemorate national- and international the crew members and former crew members of 617 Squadron Royal Air Force who lost their lives in the Second World War.